A combination home office, maker space, and home arcade. Meghan made this awesome sign for me:

The “office section” has 3 main computers, each with dual screens. 1 for “the real job”, 1 for all the maker-related stuff, and my laptop for everything else (localendar.com development, other side projects, school, etc) . That doesn’t include all the equipment on a baker’s rack in the closet that powers the “mikeO” custom DVR.
Most of the video games and pinball machines I have collected/restored are in the background whenever I do video calls. Between those and the B9 and BB8 robots, there are some great conversation starters.
When Pier One recently went out of business, I was able to purchase some of their shelving and organize the maker stuff.

The really messy work is done in the 3rd garage bay, which is closed off and separate from the other two, and functions as a workshop:

The “Official” Ogrinz Labs logo: